Environments List

Environments List

ID Ward Project Name Project Site Estimated Cost Year Progress
8 County Wide Drought mitigation Programme county wide 400,000,000 2021/2022 --
9 Sagante/Jaldesa Local purchase for tree seedling and fruit tree Sagante/Jaldesa 1,400,000 2021/2022 --
17 Butiye Purchase of bee hives 190 peces(Kenya top bar type) Teso 1,500,000 2021/2022 --
18 Golbo Provision of beehives 200 pieces Dir-dima 800,000 2021/2022 --
19 CPSB Office Water sourcing -Repair of w2 concrete water Tanks and installation of Gutters to all offices CPSB Office 2,000,000 2021/2022 --
20 Kargi/South Horr Solar system at Gangeisa Primary school Gageisa-Krgi 1,500,000 2021/2022 --
21 Laisamis Solar installation for merille day Secondary school Merille 1,000,000 2021/2022 --
22 Maikona Solar for kalachi social hall Kalachi 1000000 2021/2022 --
23 Uran Piping of water within Uran and Lataka County wide 5000000 2021/2022 --
24 Karare Piping from Kamboe to Karare Karare 5000000 2021/2022 --
25 Marsabit Marsabit high way tree planting Marsabit 1000000 2021/2022 --
26 County Wide Projects supervision fees County wide 3000000 2021/2022 --
27 Marsabit Marsabit high way tree planting Marsabit 1000000 2021/2022 --
28 County Wide Projects surpervision fees County wide 3000000 2021/2022 --
29 County Wide Climate change preparedness and mitigation County wide 900000 2021/2022 --
30 County Wide Environment education and awereness for EMCS and communities County wide 800000 2021/2022 --
31 County Wide Environment education and awereness for EMCS and communities County wide 800000 2021/2022 --
32 County Wide Management invasive species County wide 1000000 2021/2022 --
33 County Wide NRM support-resource mapping and policy and bill development County wide 1000000 2021/2022 --
34 County Wide NRM support-resource mapping and policy and bill development County wide 1000000 2021/2022 --
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